January 16, 2024

The Future is In YOUR Hands

Lately I’ve been struggling. I feel like I’m not doing enough.

Family members suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and depression because the government and corporations talked innocent people into eating industrialized food which we now know is toxic.  

Natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey and Irma that no one saw coming except all the climate change scientists.  

And horrible misunderstandings between black and white, my god vs your god, and overall pessimism everywhere you look.

Life is short. I felt like I needed to ask the tough questions…

Have I made enough positive impact on the planet and the people around me? How can I help? What is the future of Under30Experiences? How do we avoid the pitfalls of capitalism and truly build a business that leaves the world better than we found it?

Under30Experiences is striving to continue to be a vehicle for positive change.


More positive impact in local communities


We can’t just let our travelers “take” trips or “take” vacations.   

We can’t keep taking from the planet without giving something in return.  

This fundamental imbalance between yin and yang is what has gotten the world into this mess in the first place.

Under30Experiences does our best with our current resources to support local community organizations like the Children’s Orchestra in Bali, the Titi Conservation Alliance in Costa Rica, and our very own U30X Community Project working with an indigenous community in rural Peru.  

We work hard to keep money in local areas, support micro-entrepreneurs who use the income to feed their families, and select vendors with sustainability policies to reduce our ecological footprint.  

More positive impact in our alumni community  

Under30Experiences is doing a great job opening people’s minds to new ideas and new ways of interacting with the world around them.  

I’m most proud of the success stories within our community where U30X has been the catalyst for young people to escape their unhappiness at work and home and discover new experiences that fulfill them - all through the power of travel.

I’m a firm believer that the more people love life, the more they will take care of themselves so they can enjoy life at a higher level - free from stress, illness, and pain.

The more people care for themselves, the more they can care for the people and the world around them.

Travelers who experience the beauty of nature are more likely to help protect it.

The greater our understanding for the planet and its inhabitants, the more compassion and understanding we will have for people whose backgrounds and cultures differ from our own.

Under30Experiences needs to grow

Our mission needs to spread.

2,000 alumni is great but 20,000 or 200,000 travelers could create resources to change the world.

It's not about the risk of growing too big and spoiling the little gem of a company we have now - we are ready for those challenges. We only have one shot on this planet to build something incredibly impactful and we're not looking to play small.

It’s the same fear every parent who wants to keep their children close to home...but it's time to let Under30Experiences spread its wings and soar.

So what’s our goal? 

To build a company that is a vehicle for positive growth.

The more financial capital and human capital we have, the more impact we can make.  

The more engaged our alumni are, the more locations we operate in, and the stronger our social media following is, the greater impact we can make.  

There is no end game or final destination at Under30Experiences. “Saving the world” is not a destination.

Besides, how would we ever know we arrived? There will always be more good we can do. As the world evolves, so will Under30Experiences and our alumni.

As new challenges arise in the world and in the lives of the new generation of young people, Under30Experiences will work to solve them.  

What does this mean for you?

Join our efforts to improve ourselves as individuals and lead by example.  

Every one of us needs to continue learning and growing - and we can’t keep it to ourselves.  

We each need to be more vocal and help the people around us become more informed. We need to spread more positivity on social media.  

Keep having deep conversations with the people around you and avoid the superficial. Make educated buying decisions and vote with your dollars.  

Work to educate yourselves on making the best decisions for your health and happiness. Surround yourself with the best people you can.  

Make the leap to change your life. By doing so, you will literally be changing the human race.

The future is in your hands.

Want to help?  Please share this post on social media and help Under30Experiences grow our voice.

Want to help more?  Get involved in our community, travel somewhere that makes a positive impact, write for the U30X blog, or listen to the Live Different Podcast.  

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