Solo Travel

Iceland is the ideal destination for your first solo adventure

Maggie Dougherty
October 7, 2024

Does the idea of solo travel scare you? It scared me so much that I convinced my sister to join me on this trip to Iceland with Under30Experiences. In hindsight, I think, “What was I scared of?” Yet, I do have several answers. 

When I thought about traveling to Iceland solo, I was scared that I would not feel safe, anxious that I would feel lonely, and worried that I would not click with anyone on the trip. I can say with full confidence that all of those fears started to dissipate after our first group excursion. If you only take one thing away from this article, I hope you realize you, too, can take a leap of faith. 

I embarked on my first group trip to a dream destination of mine. I was lucky enough to be able to join the first summer Iceland trip with Under30Experiences in mid-May. 

I spent a lot of time researching companies that led group trips to Iceland that were both affordable and interesting. U30X stuck out to me because of their affordable price point and itinerary.

If you are anything like me, you tend to do a lot of research before you choose a place to travel, including reading blogs, watching videos across many different platforms, and lots of Googling. The keywords that stuck out to me from every single source were that Iceland was safe, clean, and expensive. After spending five days in Iceland, I can attest that all three are absolutely true. 

I can surmise that joining a trip with random strangers is probably not at the top of everyone’s bucket list. But sometimes group travel is a necessity in order to travel to the places you have always dreamed of. There can be so many barriers to travel, such as the time off work, the financial investment, and the logistics. If you are privileged enough to afford the first two, just the thought of figuring out the logistics can cause you to say, “Forget it.” 

A group of people smiles for a photo in front of a stunning waterfall at Thingvellir National Park.
Thingvellir National Park.

Solo Travel, but with a Small Group Tour

You start asking yourself how the trip is going to work. Do you go alone? If not, who do you know who has the means to join me? Am I comfortable with the language barrier? And the list goes on and on. Going on a group trip can ease these anxieties. The logistics are taken care of, you meet people with the same travel mindset, and you get to experience new things together. This is exactly what happened when I traveled to Iceland with Under30Experiences.

Have you ever heard of the term “sonder”? It is the feeling one has realized that every other individual one sees has a life as full and real as one’s own. I remember when I first heard the word sonder, and it resonated with me because it described one of the reasons I crave traveling, which is all the people you end up meeting. Can you imagine what decisions each individual had to make to form your group on the trip? It makes me marvel at the thought that out of all the people and places in the world, we all ended up in the same place at the same time. For me, that was one of my favorite parts of my trip. 

Hikers at the peak of Eldfell Mountain, capturing a moment of achievement against a backdrop of expansive scenery.
Eldfell Hike.

A noteworthy feature of Under30’s trip that stood out to me was knowing that transportation within the country would be taken care of. From my research, I knew that to truly enjoy Iceland and all its stunning nature, you need a car. The idea of getting a car in Iceland felt stressful! I have never driven internationally, so I did not feel comfortable taking a road trip alone. When I arrived, it came as a surprise to me that our Trip Leader was also our driver! I commend our fearless leader, Stephanie, for getting us from Point A to B and making the long drives entertaining with Icelandic music and fun facts. 

If you have never experienced group travel, there are some differences from if you were to travel by yourself. When joining a group solo, you must go in as a conscious traveler with an open mind because you end up sharing a lot of your time with the group, including eating almost every meal with your group and sharing a space with a new friend. However, this doesn’t mean there is no alone time. I never felt forced to be social. The nature of this trip allowed for long car rides with or without conversation and free time during the excursion for the day. 

The most significant difference I felt traveling with Under30 was my lack of stress. As a Type A person, I like to plan and be in control. With that comes the mental exhaustion of always needing to figure out the next step, whether it is navigating to the next attraction, accommodations, hostels, or figuring out where to eat. On this trip, you do not need to navigate at all, and Stephanie gave us several recommendations for our free time, ranging from more activities to the best places to eat. No stress at all! I returned home from this trip and finally understood why other solo travelers choose group travel, whether a company or a cruise. I get the appeal now!

A woman stands before Skogafoss waterfall, with a vibrant rainbow arching in the background, creating a stunning scene.
Skogafoss Photo.

I have been to my fair share of European countries, and I felt SO safe in Iceland. I remember thinking the entire time, “I have not seen a single police officer; where are they?” Even in the most touristy spots, not a single one is in sight. While that is an anomaly for most Americans, do not let that make you fearful. I have not done a deep dive into why it is this way, but I imagine Icelandic culture and customs have created an environment of respect for others and their surroundings. Those reading that are from the United States are probably shocked because we are inundated daily with news stories of horrible things happening to individuals in our society, most especially women. From what I observed, Icelandic people might be reserved, but they are always willing to help, and English is widespread. If you have any potential fears about Iceland, I hope they have been assuaged.  

The idea of solo travel can be daunting. The logistics itself can be a barrier to travel for many. Then add the layer of being a woman, and it feels like traveling might not be in the cards for you. However, joining a group trip with an open mind and a willingness to meet other people can open a whole new world. I hope this article has been informative, eased your mind, and encouraged you to start perusing Under30’s website. You are not only capable of solo travel, but it might just be the way to go! 

Want to join a small group trip to Iceland?

Be sure to check out Iceland Tours with Under30Experiences!

Maggie Dougherty
Maggie Dougherty is an aspiring globetrotter who loves any reason to go out and explore a new place. She loves to immerse herself in local culture by experiencing the people, learning about different customs, and enjoying the local cuisine. When not working, Maggie is taking care of her aging mother, walking the beach, and of course, planning another trip.


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