BLOGTravel Hacks
January 16, 2024

Give the Gift of Experience

We all know that sharing is caring, RIGHT? 

Well, good news. Now you are able to share your love of travel with anyone and everyone because Under30Experiences’ Experience Credits are now giftable!

If you’re reading this (hey!) you more than likely know, first-hand, the positive effects that travel can have on a person (and if you don’t, check out these articles). 

Now, what if you could share your passion for travel with a friend/family member/significant other who is still in the dark?

With the new giftable Experience Credits, you can do just that!

Experience Credits. Can I get a definition, please?

Experience Credits are the exact dollar amount that you paid for your trip with us.  We don't take a cut or try to con you out of your hard earned money...

  • No penalties or extra fees
  • No blackout dates
  • No expiration on funds...ever!

There’s got to be a catch, right?

NOPE. Have you put down a deposit on an adventure with Under30Experiences but life has since thrown you a major curve ball and you can no longer travel with us for the foreseeable future?  

Give those Experience Credits to your friends and family for the exact dollar amount that you had already put towards your trip.

No credits? No problem!

“What if I don’t already have a credit with Under30Experiences to transfer to someone? Can I still give Experience Credits as a gift?”

I’m glad you asked. You can totally do that, too! You can gift any dollar amount, $195 and up, towards your friends’ upcoming travel experience.

Want to give your friend a little kick in the booty to go out there and experience new places and meet other like minded people

Gift them the deposit amount of $195 and they can claim their seat on any trip. 

Want to win the “friend of the year” award and pay for their full trip? You can do that too (but also, come sit by me and let’s be best friends)!

Winter is Coming

Okay, confession time. 

I’m one of the 7 other humans on this planet who have never hit play on Game of Thrones, so I don’t actually know what that phrase means. 

But, I do know that the holiday season is just around the corner and that means shopping for gifts…


Holiday Shopping is the Worst!

Were you dreading the thought of camping out overnight to snag the best black-friday deals on gifts? Were you hashing out a game plan on how to go holiday shopping at the mall while avoiding the long lines of screaming children who are all waiting to meet Santa Claus?

We’ve got you covered. Gifting Experience Credits is 100% digital...meaning you don’t even have to change out of your comfy bunny slippers to do it AND it is eco-friendly so you’re saving a few trees, ensuring that you and your travel buddies can still visit them in the Rainforest or the Amazon for years and years to come.

We all have a love/love relationship with travel and now that Under30experiences’ Experience Credits are giftable, we can spread that love far and wide! 

So whether you are stuck in a rut and can no longer travel with Under30Experiences or you want to up your gift-giving game, giftable Experiences Credits are the reason for the season. Sorry, I mean the perfect solution to all of life’s problems. No, that’s not quite right either...

They’re f*cking AWESOME! Plain and simple.

So grab a friend, save them a seat, and let’s all go explore!


*This policy is for all travelers on all trips unless otherwise stated at signup or on the trip page*

*Experience Credits are able to be gifted one time only*

*Experience Credits are able to be transferred to another trip one time only*

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