January 16, 2024

Don’t Let Traveling Break Your Workouts. 7 Ways to Stay on Track.

You've packed your suitcase with your workout clothes, running shoes, jump rope, and a resistance band with the intention to workout on vacation. Before you know it, it is that last day of vacation and there your jump rope is...still at the bottom of your suitcase. I know this all too well. I love working out, hence why I've made a career out of it, so it's not usually a challenge to workout on vacation. I typically have all of the motivation in the world, and set the intention to stay consistent with my workouts even while on vacation. However, sometimes all it takes is one direct flight to my destination and I have lost all drive to workout and am happy as a clam just lounging around getting a few thousand steps in for the day (if I'm lucky). Over time I've figured out just what it is that I need to not let one flight get in the way of staying consistent. I want to share those steps with you!


1. It starts with packing!

Of course, you will need the essentials! I list everything out so I can't use the excuse "well I don't have shorts so looks like I won't be working out this vacation." Of course, adjust based off of what you like to workout in!

  • Sneakers
  • Socks
  • Underwear
  • Leggings/Shorts
  • Sports Bra
  • Tank Top/Shirt
  • Hair ties!
  • Jump-rope (optional)
  • Resistance Band (optional)

2. Plan ahead for the airport!

The airport can be a pitfall of mine. I walk into a "Hudson News" to get a bottle of water and somehow walk out with 2 large bags of candy! I know I'm going to want something to eat on the plane and I'll need water. So before I get to the airport, I pack snacks I can take through security to hold me over while I'm on the flight and a reusable water bottle.

Some suggestions:

  • Almonds,
  • RX Bar/Macro Bar
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Grapes
  • Veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli, cherry tomatoes)

3. Buy a fitness magazine

For me, I love to buy a fitness magazine to read on the plane. It helps me get fresh ideas of what new things I could try on vacation. Bring a notepad and pen to plan out a workout or two you can do!

4. Hydrate!

Stay hydrated pre-intra-post flight! Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and to avoid feeling puffy and lethargic once you land. There is nothing worse than being too tired to work out because you're dehydrated.


5. Unpack.

Unpack once you arrive at your destination. Having your workout gear in plain sight will remind you to workout.

6. Scope out your environment.

Check out the gym (if there is one) and walk around to see where there might be good spots to get in a quick workout. Are there tennis or basketball courts you can utilize? Benches you can do some step-ups, push-ups, and dips off of? How many floors are there in your hotel? Can you run some stairs? Survey the scene to get ideas and get inspired!

7. Plan when you would ideally workout.

You know yourself better than anyone else. Be realistic! After a day of laying in the sun are you really going to lace up and go for a run? Be honest! Maybe you need to workout before you even step foot outside of your room. If so, plan accordingly. Perhaps it's body weight workouts you need to plan for so you don't leave your room and feel tempted to veer to the breakfast buffet instead of the gym.

Overall, you can probably sense a theme here: Plan ahead. The more detailed you can get in your plan, the less margin for error. But remember, ultimately you are on vacation and the most important thing is to have fun! Luckily, working out can be fun, all you need is a little planning!

I am hosting a fitness retreat to the beaches of Costa Rica, interested in joining me? Click Here for all of the details.

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