So, something cool is going down next week...
Under30Experiences is turning SIX YEARS OLD! To celebrate our birthday, we're celebrating YOU. And travel, of course.
The Birthday Bash officially kicks off Tuesday, June 5th, and we'll let you know that morning what that gift is.
Let’s just say that if you’ve been contemplating booking a trip, you may want to wait until next week. 😉
Oh, and you might want to find a friend. Or 5. This deal is even sweeter when it's shared. You'll see.
Authentic Experiences
Travel and authentic experiences are the gift that keeps on giving. We become tired of things. They decay. Adventure lasts forever.
We asked our alumni to share some of their life-changing experiences from recent trips and the stories did not disappoint.
“I’m so truly grateful to be a part of a real tribe. I had moved my life across the country, living alone away from everything I knew for three years.”
“Traveling makes me feel alive, enjoy the present, and be intentional with the people I love. Although I had never considered group travel, meeting other like-minded, adventurous, and passionate friends changed my trip and my life for the better.”
“I thank U30X for getting me out of a rut and putting me on the path to be my best self again!!!”
“Thanks to this community for giving me the kick in the butt I needed, and for all the amazing adventures!”
“Regardless, I found family and people who love and support me. I also found myself challenging the norms and putting myself out there more.”
“I’ve found a job in a new career path in an incredible new city that I never would’ve pursued otherwise. I’ve rediscovered my sense of adventure and passion for travel and new experiences that I wouldn’t have found without U30X.”
“The short version of this story is basically that Under30Experiences is probably the best thing I've done for myself in the past couple years, the trips I've taken have completely changed how I think about travel and introduced me to so many wonderful people.”
“I went into my first Under30 trip with very specific intentions of finding myself and a sense of independence. Little did I know that after that trip my life would change forever, for the better.”
You notice a theme here? LIFE. CHANGING. EXPERIENCES.
Not a single person wrote about their cool photos, or Instagram stories, or snaps, or any of that sh*t. These people were inspired to make drastic changes in their routines, mindsets, relationships, and lives; and WE are inspired by that.
The Best Gift

We had countless other people say that their U30X trip was the “best gift I could have ever given myself.”
Travel is a gift.
Community is a gift.
Experience is a gift.
We want to keep paying these gifts forward.
That is exactly why we are so stoked to give you a gift next week. Stay tuned 😎