Off and running into the New Year, things have probably started moving at full-speed.
It’s easy to get caught up in this hectic time of the year as you readjust after the holidays and try to get back into your routine (or start a new one).
If you aren’t careful, resolutions may start to take a backseat amidst all the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
You need to have a plan to keep the ball rolling for your 2017 travel goals.
Have you thought about how you’re going to check those new bucket list items off your to-dos?
Well to get you headed in the right direction, here are a few ways you can jump start your new adventures this year.
1. Do one thing every day that scares you
Think of this as a jumping off point.
Doing one thing each day that scares you doesn’t have to be monumental. It can be something as simple as striking up a conversation with someone at your local coffee shop, or taking a skydiving course. The level is up to you.
Don’t be afraid to start small. You’d be surprised how far a kind word and a smile can go for both you and the stranger you’re talking to.
Continuing to challenge yourself – even in small ways – will keep your hunger for adventure each day fresh and new. This way, those bigger bucket-listers for 2017 won’t seem so unattainable.
And you will have had a lot of practice.
2. Plan that Kerouac road trip you’ve always wanted to take & go

Which brings us to making your version of “On the Road” & a goal you can actually make happen this year...
Don’t wait.
You never know how long the natural marvels in this world (or you) will be here. They can be gone in an instant.
Time waits for no one, my friend. So strap on those boots and hit the road even if it's just for a night or two. Spontaneous road trips are a great way to inspire your sense of adventure which will ultimately keep you on track for your 2017 travel goals.
3. Take a solo adventure

Solo travel can be intimidating. However, if you can get past the initial doubts of traveling alone, you’ll also find that it can be one of the most rewarding and beneficial steps you can take towards self-growth and self-love.
At first, it can be scary to travel alone but soon you’ll find that it not only empowers and challenges you, but inspires a powerful force within.
Start small. Do some research of nearby places you could adventure to. Whether you choose to stay in a classic bed and breakfast, take a trip to the mountains and get in touch with nature by staying in a log cabin, or even staying in an Airbnb, just out of town, you will be sure to experience something you have never done before.
Solo travel opens up an entirely new plane for you to explore your capabilities and talents. Learn to get comfortable with it by taking a solo adventure nearby.
4. Learn a language
If you want to travel more in 2017, start learning the language of the country you want to visit.
Make it a personal goal to learn a language -- whether it be French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese etc. – then book a flight to go and use it.
Not only will you feel motivated to learn the language, you will be more likely to book that flight since you will want to utilize your newly developed skill.
You’ll find that you will also enrich your travel experience. Connecting with locals through their native languages helps you understand cultural nuances that you would otherwise miss altogether.
5. Plan a trip to your roots

Identity is something that everyone is constantly searching for, especially if you grew up in the United States.
For all intent and purposes, most US citizens are the children of immigrants. Learning about your family history and heritage can help you truly understand yourself...and will surely keep your wanderlust alive and well.
Plan a trip to see where your ancestors came from and make it a point to understand the culture.
Who knows, maybe you’ll even make connections about yourself and your heritage you didn’t even realize were there.
In Summary
Whatever your travel resolutions are for the New Year, make sure you set out to accomplish them with intent.
Start small to get your momentum going. It doesn’t matter the size of the goal, just that you work to achieve it, one step at a time.
Now, go have some adventures!